Unlock team potential:
Align, decide and motivate

Unlock the power of alignment, foster trust, and watch as performance peaks like never before. We help you collaborate more effectively to achieve awesome outcomes.

After months in the same cycle, you’re still at square one. While your competitors are launching cutting-edge products.

Let's be real: You can’t innovate until everyone speaks the same language.

It's the key to building succesful collaborations. Teams need...

Shared tools and terminology
Shared practices and exercises
Shared ready-to-apply processes

…to make collaboration become effortless.

two men workshop whiteboard with postits

We facilitate structured, effective and enjoyable team collaboration

Rather than wasting time in meetings with circular discussions that go nowhere, we offer structured processes catered to your teams needs, guaranteed to help your team make progress quickly.

We help you connect and align again

Together we work on open communication, where everyone's voice is heard. We create an environment that's set up for openness, transparency and inclusiveness.
Together we'll create synergy and align departments to become stronger as a team. We'll set up a framework to address challenges as opportunities for improvement and to celebrate successes as a united team.

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What can we provide?

Depending on the collaboration challenge we can adapt to the need of the team. These are some common topics we have experience with and developed solutions for to impact the team's alignment, productivity and overall happiness.

Leadership Retreats

We provide retreats that let leaders focus on aligning their objectives, review their strategies and strengthening theirs collaboration.

Team Planning Session

An all-day workshop for teams to share their reflections, set goals, and create plans for the next 12 months.

Team Alignment Session

Align a team on WHAT exactly to work on/solve and what to ignore for now.

Inspiration Session

Inspire teams, remove creative roadblocks, and create a space to come up with new ideas.

Team Reset Session

Reset the team morale, speak up and align. When your teams need to get out of a slump - this is the one.

Team Retrospective

A great way for teams to share reflections on the past, bubble up problems, and exchange ideas on how to improve them.

Collaboration Training

We teach your team how to use our toolset so they can run these collaboration exercises themselves.

Let's get the ball rolling.

Let's have fun and see how we can support.